Can't Start a Fire without a Spark:
What the Boss Can Teach us about Giving and Inspiring
For those who like to tap their feet to a beat or belt out lyrics in the shower, some art has a way of soaking our conscience with a conscience. Maybe it’s Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” and the unabashed way Springsteen speaks about the mistreatment of Vietnam veterans returning home with PTSD, lost jobs, a sense of abandonment, depression, and “nowhere to go.”
For decades now, a number of men and women have been dancing in the dark in the halls of government, various media outlets, and the academic palaces of indifference when it comes to bringing to light the struggles and challenges of boys and men. Despite the publication of successful books by Warren Farrell, Michael Gurian, Christina Hoff Sommers and so many others, the cold cultural shrug remains when it comes to supporting and advocating for boys and men.
One writer and compassionate voice concerned about the state of boys and men is raising awareness this political season in hopes of inspiring a new anthem of change. Jack Kammer (author of Good Will Toward Men, Heroes of the Blue Sky Rebellion, and many other writings) is sponsoring the Men for Who? Songwriting Challenge.
His new website ( and the original Our Comeback webpage provide the type of information that encourages all of us to ask, How much do you know about men’s issues?, and put that knowledge into an original composition. Although the song is meant to draw attention to important issues surrounding boys and men this political season, the song should not support or refute a particular candidate or party. It’s meant to be a song of legacy that strikes the core of our sensibilities.
The songwriting challenge has prizes of up to $1,500. Global Initiative for Boys and Men is asking our readers to spread the word through print, television, and social media and other forums to inspire an artist to submit a song that encourages all of us to search our souls and address the harsh realities trampling the hopes of our boys and the common sense of good will toward men.
What Can you Do?
Global Initiative for Boys and Men is asking all our readers to DONATE this week so we can channel resources toward raising the stakes of this contest. With so many members on our list, a donation of $10 or $20 can go a long way in helping us to use music to inspire change. We know that music has the capacity to bring people together, but we can’t start a fire without a spark.
Amazon Smiles: List Global Initiative for Boys and Men as your charity of choice and a percentage of all purchases will support the GIBM.
Mail checks to Global Initiative for Boys and Men, Mailbox 337, 685 Spring St., Friday Harbor, WA 98250